[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Ref ID - Did not match regular expression \A[a-zA-Z0-9\-_:\.]*\z

Kinzer, Joseph joseph_kinzer at harvard.edu
Fri Apr 29 13:02:34 EDT 2022

Hello community,

I am new to this group and am wondering if anyone else has encountered this error message when adding a child. I just created a new finding aid and it has no children as of yet. As I try to add a Series child, I receive the following error: Ref ID - Did not match regular expression \A[a-zA-Z0-9\-_:\.]*\z

I don't understand it becaue the Ref ID is auto-generated upon save and I can't manipulate that field if I wanted to. What am I missing?


Joe Kinzer, Ph.D. (he/his)
Curatorial Associate, Archive of World Music
Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library, Harvard University
joseph_kinzer at harvard.edu<mailto:joseph_kinzer at harvard.edu> | 617-998-5313 |Make an appointment<https://libcal.library.harvard.edu/appointments/joekinzer/loeb>

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