[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Query to retrieve boxes with restricted AOs + local access restrict type

Andrew Morrison andrew.morrison at bodleian.ox.ac.uk
Tue Apr 19 12:13:03 EDT 2022

If you need to ascend the hierarchy of archival objects within 
collections, from the ones that link to containers, to the ones with the 
access restrictions, then you are probably going to need to write a 
stored procedure.


On 19/04/2022 15:38, Olivia S Solis wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm spending an inordinately long time trying to form a query to 
> retrieve all boxes attached to restricted archival objects in ASpace. 
> I'm hoping someone in the group with more advanced database skills 
> than I have can help me out.
> We want to identify any box in a certain building that has restricted 
> materials and the kind of local access restriction it has. Since we 
> use local access restrictions, the AO that is linked to the box may 
> not have the local access restriction applied through the 
> accessrestrict note, but a parent AO will. That parent may or may not 
> be its immediate parent AO. We only care about the collection title in 
> the box, not the AO title.
> I've come up with this query, which is already a mouthful, to retrieve 
> all the boxes + their collections in the building I want (SRH2):
> SELECT DISTINCT rr.id <http://rr.id>, rr.title, t.indicator, 
> r.top_container_id, t.barcode, l.title
> FROM instance as i
> JOIN sub_container as s
> ON i.id <http://i.id> = s.instance_id
> JOIN archival_object as a
> ON a.id <http://a.id> = i.archival_object_id
> JOIN top_container_link_rlshp as r
> ON s.id <http://s.id> = r.sub_container_id
> JOIN top_container as t
> ON t.id <http://t.id> = r.top_container_id
> LEFT JOIN resource as rr
> ON rr.id <http://rr.id> = a.root_record_id
> JOIN top_container_housed_at_rlshp as tcha
> ON tcha.top_container_id = t.id <http://t.id>
> JOIN location as l
> ON l.id <http://l.id> = tcha.location_id
> WHERE l.building LIKE "SRH2"
> On top of this I want the archival objects in the query to reflect 
> only AOs that have a local access restriction or who have an immediate 
> or distant parent AO with one. This is the query I have that will ID 
> AOs with a local access restriction, which I realize I'll have to 
> extract from the JSON that is in the notes column of the note table:
> SELECT id, resource_id, archival_object_id, notes FROM note WHERE 
> notes LIKE '%local_access_restriction_type":["%';
> Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
> -Olivia
> -- 
> Olivia Solis, MSIS (she/her)
> Metadata Coordinator
> Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
> The University of Texas at Austin
> 2300 Red River St. Stop D1100
> Austin TX, 78712-1426
> (512) 232-8013
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