[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Creating new agent type for university offices?

Jordon Steele jsteele at jhu.edu
Wed May 6 15:08:34 EDT 2020

Hello, we have a need to filter our agent records so that we can export and otherwise take bulk action on corporate bodies that are related to our university (offices, departments, etc.). It doesn't appear that there is a way to add an custom, university-related agent type beyond the standard set (person, family, corporate entity, software), I assume for good reason. Am I right, and if I can't, any advice on another way to add a "university corporate body" designation to these types of records?




Jordon Steele
Hodson Curator of the University Archives
The Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
3400 N Charles St
Baltimore, MD 21218
jsteele at jhu.edu<mailto:jsteele at jhu.edu>

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