[Archivesspace_Users_Group] help with API route for archival object notes

Karen Miller k-miller3 at northwestern.edu
Thu Jul 2 10:30:47 EDT 2020

Thanks, James.

I will try this code as well as what Noah suggested. I really like being able to test out a specific change interactively before trying it in a script, so this is useful. Understanding how to access specific data in the JSON has been a big challenge for me.


From: archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org <archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org> On Behalf Of James Bullen
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2020 10:43 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group <archivesspace_users_group at lyralists.lyrasis.org>
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] help with API route for archival object notes

Hi Karen,

No worries. Chris’ help was more to the point anyway ;)

From your example, you should be able to reference the content with the bad tag like this:



On Jul 2, 2020, at 1:23 AM, Karen Miller <k-miller3 at northwestern.edu<mailto:k-miller3 at northwestern.edu>> wrote:

Hello, James.

Sorry, I just realized I addressed you as Chris instead of as James! My apologies! I was so thrilled to get some assistance that I skimmed through the signatures too quickly.


From: Karen Miller
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2020 9:50 AM
To: 'Archivesspace Users Group' <archivesspace_users_group at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspace_users_group at lyralists.lyrasis.org>>
Subject: RE: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] help with API route for archival object notes

Hi Chris.

I’ve been able to successfully retrieve & update nested elements from the Agent record, just not from the archival object notes record. But your description of them as “repeating parts” of that record is helpful. Thanks!


From: archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org> <archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org>> On Behalf Of James Bullen
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 6:35 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group <archivesspace_users_group at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspace_users_group at lyralists.lyrasis.org>>
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] help with API route for archival object notes

Hi Karen,

The general rule is that anything you can GET from a uri can be modified and POSTed back to update it.

So, GET the JSON for the archival_object as you are doing. Then modify the JSON (in this case the notes bit of it) to look how you want. Then POST it back to the same uri.

Notes are nested subrecords (as are dates and others). These don’t have a life of their own, they are really just repeating parts of the top level record that they are contained within.

Hope that helps..


On Jul 1, 2020, at 8:22 AM, Karen Miller <k-miller3 at northwestern.edu<mailto:k-miller3 at northwestern.edu>> wrote:

Good morning, ArchivesSpace users.

I am a cataloger (*not* a developer) using the API to update ArchivesSpace. So far I’ve figured out how to add LCCNs to the authority_Id of Agent records and do a couple more updates that, in retrospect, were pretty simple.

The next task I’d like to tackle, however, just seems like maybe it can’t be done. We’ve got a lot of notes with html tags in them and I would like to update those to valid tags. I can get the JSON for the notes in any particular archival object, but I don’t know how to specify the route to the note to change it. The JSON looks like this:

'notes': [{'content': ['This is a note with a bad <i>tag</i>'],
            'jsonmodel_type': 'note_singlepart',
            'persistent_id': '75ba0ec57e374b8b154551a69b4c311f',
            'publish': True,
            'type': 'abstract'},
           {'jsonmodel_type': 'note_multipart',
            'persistent_id': '66afa07b3214260078123236bbe1ff27',
            'publish': True,
            'subnotes': [{'content': 'This is a dippy note.',
                          'jsonmodel_type': 'note_text',
                          'publish': True}],
            'type': 'scopecontent'}],

I got this using the route ‘repositories/10/archival_objects/489763’, but I don’t know how to specify the note that I want in the JSON. For the agent authority_id I used the route ‘‘/agents/people/<somenumber> and specified the field like this:


I’m hoping this is an easy question for somebody with more experience with the API and (especially) with JSON than I. I’m a little afraid the answer is that it can’t be done. Any advice will be appreciated!


Karen D. Miller
Monographic Cataloger/Metadata Specialist
Northwestern University Libraries
Northwestern University
1970 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL 60208
k-miller3 at northwestern.edu<mailto:k-miller3 at northwestern.edu>

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