[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Background Job: Location CSV

Jeremy Barney barneycj at hope.edu
Fri Feb 7 09:35:23 EST 2020

Hello.  I am in the early stages of moving data to ArchivesSpace, including
locations.  I see that there is a "Location CSV" import type in the New
Background Job feature (running v2.7.0), but I do not see any documentation
about this import option in the Help Center or a data import map for
locations on the ArchivesSpace website.

I may very well be looking in the wrong place, but is anyone aware of
instructions and/or a data map for the Location CSV import option?

Thank you!


Jeremy Barney
Metadata and Digital Collections Librarian
Hope College
Van Wylen Library
53 Graves Place
Holland, MI 49423

barneycj at hope.edu | 616-395-7792

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