[Archivesspace_Users_Group] print pdf of unpublished resource crashes AS

Daniel Sprouse dsprouse at tsl.texas.gov
Fri Apr 27 12:45:16 EDT 2018

We have an implementation of AS at Texas State Library and Archives Commission, although I am very new to this application. I have not seen this topic in a search of recent lyralist emails or the user manual, it may be a bug. If it is a feature it isn't a great one. When printing an unpublished resource to pdf AS crashes. If anyone has any insight into this, help would be appreciated.

What follows is from my users and myself, synopsized.

"As my user, I went to Create=〉Background Job=〉Print to PDF. I typed in (a redacted last name,) then selected the (a redacted name) finding aid and chose to print to pdf. The "Resource" is unpublished and I did not click on the "include unpublished". It showed an error message in the generic dialog box which looks that it is an unpublished Resource, took its time and then crashed."

"It could be that this error is related to the fact the item is "unpublished" and I didn't check on the "print unpublished". If you reset again I can try to see if checking that box still causes a crash"

additional tests, all of which result in crashing archivesspace app:
Test 1: Resource has no "published" elements and include unpublished was not checked. Error message stated that this is an unpublished resource.
Test 2: Resource has no published elements and include unpublished was checked. Error message regarding some of the content and export failed
Test 3: Published top-most level of the Resource and checked including unpublished. Received a proxy error stating an invalid response from an upstream server and could not handle the GET request (Error reading from remote server). Refreshing the page after allowing time for the process does not help

We are continuing to test ways that this kills AS at this time.

Thanks, Daniel Sprouse, dsprouse at tsl.texas.gov

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