[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Voila! You can already search within a collection

Joan Curbow CurbowJ at bvu.edu
Thu Oct 19 13:56:10 EDT 2017

Boy, do I feel dumb. I answered my own question from a couple of days ago. You CAN search within a collection, and it should have been the first thing I tried, but, of course, I didn’t.

Ctrl-F, the old standby, works like a charm. A lovely extra search box appears, and you can type in a search term, and it will tell you how many instances appear within that collection, and hitting enter will take you to each instance. WONDERFUL!!

Just thought I’d share.


Joan Curbow
Reference Librarian and Archivist
Buena Vista University Library
Buena Vista University
610 West Fourth Street
Storm Lake, Iowa  50588

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