[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Indexer erroring in 1.5.2

James Bullen james at hudmol.com
Wed Jan 11 18:56:26 EST 2017

Hi John and Steve,

Can either of you send some sample data that surfaces this bug?


> On Jan 12, 2017, at 8:17 AM, Majewski, Steven Dennis (sdm7g) <sdm7g at eservices.virginia.edu> wrote:
> After seeing this message, I tried 1.5.2 on my Mac (10.11.6) laptop and I’m also seeing the same 
>> undefined method `related_records' for nil:NilClass  
> error, whether or not I do an intervening ( and successful, BTW ) update to 1.5.1. 
> Reindexing never seems to progress and so browse resources never shows any records. 
> — Steve Majewski
>> On Jan 11, 2017, at 1:58 PM, Hambleton, John S <jhamblet at nmu.edu <mailto:jhamblet at nmu.edu>> wrote:
>> Folks,
>> I am testing archivesspace 1.5.2 on CentOS 6, using a copy of our 1.4.2 production database.
>> Wondering why it seems like the indexer is taking so long to finish, I am seeing this in
>> the archivesspace.out log, which makes me think the indexer is caught in an endless loop:
>> Keep seeing the SAME indexer messages over and over again:
>> ~~~ Indexed 1475 of 1941 accession records in repository 3 ( added 25 records in  8229.0ms ) ~~~
>> ~~~ Indexed 1500 of 1941 accession records in repository 3 ( added 25 records in  5251.0ms ) ~~~
>> And then,
>> E, [2017-01-11T13:41:10.740000 #32733] ERROR -- : Thread-6445852: Unhandled exception!
>> E, [2017-01-11T13:41:10.741000 #32733] ERROR -- :
>> undefined method `related_records' for nil:NilClass
>> /usr/local/archivesspace/data/tmp/jetty- `top_container'
>> /usr/local/archivesspace/data/tmp/jetty- `type_1'
>> /usr/local/archivesspace/data/tmp/jetty- `to_hash'
>> org/jruby/RubyHash.java:1341:in `each'
>> And then seems to start indexing the same data over again:
>> ~~~ Indexed 50 of 1941 accession records in repository 3 ( added 25 records in  11153.0ms ) ~~~
>> ~~~ Indexed 75 of 1941 accession records in repository 3 ( added 25 records in  10051.0ms ) ~~~
>> ~~~ Indexed 100 of 1941 accession records in repository 3 ( added 25 records in  9558.0ms ) ~~~
>> Kind of looks like the indexer errors on “something” then, tries to reindex the same accession
>> records over and over again. I had followed the advice here:https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/blob/master/UPGRADING_1.5.0.md#conversion <https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/blob/master/UPGRADING_1.5.0.md#conversion>
>> before starting archivesspace, that is, “delete your Solr index files to start with a fresh index”.
>> Any help is appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> John H
>> NMU
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