[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Slow Performance- Admin Area

RENTON Scott Scott.Renton at ed.ac.uk
Mon Oct 10 09:58:29 EDT 2016

Hi folks

Our major user, Grant Buttars, has noticed slowness in the performance of his Archives Space installation, specifically in the Admin Area- he says it’s particularly noticeable when building hierarchies (he was wondering if there was anything in that that’s JavaScript driven). We’ve tried upping the CATALINA_OPTS and lowering the logging level in config.rb, and our next step is probably going to be to get a robots.txt in place (although I do wonder if that will help, given the Admin Area is secure). Just wondering if any other users have taken steps to improve performance and if there’s any advice I should heed!

Grant may be able to give a bit more info about the problem if he sees this.

Thanks very much indeed
Scott Renton
Digital Development
Library and University Collections
Argyle House, Floor F
ext: 515219

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