[Archivesspace_Users_Group] ArchivesSpace and Aeon

Tang, Lydia ltang5 at mail.lib.msu.edu
Tue Jul 5 11:05:05 EDT 2016

Good morning!
I was checking the ArchivesSpace Github and saw this neat plug in for Aeon Requests.  It says that it’s currently under active development and also appears to not have been updated in a over a year.  Since the folks with Aeon are now a registered service provider for ArchivesSpace, does anyone know if this plug in (or something similar) will be in the works for an upcoming release?  Since we are using Aeon, it would be wonderful to get ArchivesSpace talking with that system as soon as possible!
Also, does anyone know if public interface updates will be added incrementally in the general version updates (such as 1.5.0), or only at one time around March 2017?
Thanks for your thoughts!

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