[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Announcing Two Plugins

Alexander Duryee alexanderduryee at nypl.org
Wed Dec 21 15:06:21 EST 2016


I'd like to announce the release of two plugins for ArchivesSpace:

multiple_identifiers (https://github.com/alexduryee/multiple_identifiers)
extends the ArchivesSpace data model to provide a repeatable identifier
element.  Currently, ArchivesSpace supports up to one identifier per
resource/archival object, which was insufficient for our descriptive
needs.  This plugin allows for multiple identifiers to be provided to each
object (as type/value pairs), as well as supporting EAD export via the
<unitid> element.

timewalk (https://github.com/alexduryee/timewalk) provides automated date
parsing for Date expressions in ArchivesSpace.  When saving a freetext date
expression with no Begin/End values, ArchivesSpace will now attempt to
automatically parse the expression and provide Begin/End values based on
the input (e.g. "September 1999 - March 2000" will translate into a Begin
of "1999-09" and an End of "2000-03").

Any feedback, issues, or pull requests are much appreciated!


Alexander Duryee
Metadata Archivist
New York Public Library
alexanderduryee at nypl.org
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