[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Missing text from between HMTL tags in Public Interface

Kari R Smith smithkr at mit.edu
Wed Aug 31 15:14:26 EDT 2016

Hello all,

have you seen this behavior and have suggestions on how to fix it?  Because there are 4 different ways the data is being rendered in different parts of the interface (staff and public) we are curious as to how to proceed. The behavior in the Public view is the most worrisome because the text disappears altogether.

Thank you for suggestions.

Issues with Components

1.   When viewing a component with a <title> tag in it to modify the display, the tag appears as part of the title text. This title displays the same in both the public and staff view. See below:

[Picture 1]
[Picture 5]

It does not appear as part of the title in the component list from the staff view: [Picture 2]

>From the public view of the component list, text between these tags disappears entirely

[Picture 4]
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