[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Changing the public interface url

Dawson, Leilani ldawson at wcs.org
Wed Apr 13 11:58:43 EDT 2016

Hi everyone,

We're trying to figure out how to start with ArchivesSpace and have run into a conceptual roadblock, in that it seems like users need to have ArchivesSpace installed on their machines (and pointed to the correct mySQL database) in order to access any of the interfaces.  This isn't a problem in most cases, but for the public interface it's not feasible.

The ArchivesSpace user manual states:

"Under its default configurations, the public interface will be available at port 8081 of the same server where the staff interface is found: e.g. http://ynhsc.org/archivesspace:8081/ This port location can be customized at or after the time of installation, or can be mapped to a more user-friendly URL"

... but doesn't go into how to accomplish the mapping.

What are we missing?   How have others changed their public interface urls?

We have our mySQL database up on Dreamhost, and we have no problems getting to any of the interfaces as long as we're using machines that have had ArchivesSpace (and the mySQL java connector) installed.

Thanks much,
- -
Leilani Dawson
Processing Archivist
Wildlife Conservation Society Library and Archives
2300 Southern Boulevard | Bronx NY 10460
ldawson at wcs.org<https://webmail1.wcs.org/owa/redir.aspx?C=i8UfEDoaz0-JH7EHTXzcZcKxugsWyNEIf5QEHtX7t1dS9SR-8TqLi9BKTBfbdhf41M0GM9O4KnE.&URL=mailto%3aldawson%40wcs.org>  |  www.wcs.org/library<https://webmail1.wcs.org/owa/redir.aspx?C=i8UfEDoaz0-JH7EHTXzcZcKxugsWyNEIf5QEHtX7t1dS9SR-8TqLi9BKTBfbdhf41M0GM9O4KnE.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.wcs.org%2flibrary>

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