[Archivesspace_Users_Group] ui-fix 0.0.4

Chris Fitzpatrick Chris.Fitzpatrick at lyrasis.org
Mon Sep 14 09:59:25 EDT 2015

Hi Kari,

Yes, these changes will be included in the release, unless the cause some unforeseen issues. We're targeting the release for Sept. 25.

best, Chris.

Chris Fitzpatrick | Developer, ArchivesSpace
Skype: chrisfitzpat  | Phone: 918.236.6048

From: archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org <archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org> on behalf of Kari R Smith <smithkr at mit.edu>
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 10:27 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] ui-fix 0.0.4

Chris, will this tweak make it into the release going out at the end of the month?    -Kari

From: archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org [mailto:archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org] On Behalf Of Chris Fitzpatrick
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 3:24 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group
Subject: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] ui-fix 0.0.4

Hi everyone,

I've made a few tweaks to the tree ordering process. The process is a little smoother now, since it locks down what a user can do in the edit process, which is making it easier to see where some of the issues are.

The newest version is here :


I've also update the version at http://test.archivesspace.org, which you can log into and test with the admin/admin login.

Please have a look and let us know what you think.

Thanks again.



Chris Fitzpatrick | Developer, ArchivesSpace
Skype: chrisfitzpat  | Phone: 918.236.6048


From: archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org> <archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org>> on behalf of Joshua D. Shaw <Joshua.D.Shaw at dartmouth.edu<mailto:Joshua.D.Shaw at dartmouth.edu>>
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 4:43 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Resolving Performance Problems in ArchivesSpace

Hi All-

I've been starting to test the latest performance patches and while the time to save a large resource (60k+ related objects) is very much improved (9-10x improvement), there still appear to be some bugs in the tree re-ordering as I get unpredictable behavior when moving objects in the tree. I think that the close moves (e.g. moving an object one step) succeed more often than not (though still with unpredictable failures), but larger moves tend to fail with a "Record Move Ordering Issue" and a list of the objects that failed to reorder. However, sometimes, the re-order partially succeeds and moves the object part of the way to the intended new location in the tree.

FYI - The only error is coming from the frontend (the backend log doesn't actually show anything) and the error appears to be traceable back to the tree.js.erb moveNode function around line 777.

Obviously, still some work to be done, but the performance gains in other areas is great!


From: Emma Jolley
Reply-To: Archivesspace Users Group
Date: Sunday, August 30, 2015 at 9:45 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] [Archivesspace_member_reps] Resolving Performance Problems in ArchivesSpace


We are also still testing, will send results through soon. We just wanted to add our congrats for the screencast. This is a really great way of letting us know what to expect and what’s happening.

Thanks and more soon.


Emma Jolley| Curator of Digital Archives, Pictures and Manuscripts Branch|National Library of Australia Canberra ACT 2600
e: emma.jolley at nla.gov.au<mailto:emma.jolley at nla.gov.au>|t: 02 6262 1456|www.nla.gov.au/ms<http://www.nla.gov.au/ms>


From: archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org> [mailto:archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org] On Behalf Of Callahan, Maureen
Sent: Thursday, 27 August 2015 12:06 AM
To: Archivesspace Users Group
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] [Archivesspace_member_reps] Resolving Performance Problems in ArchivesSpace

I just wanted to say that the screencast for these fixes is awesome, and I’m working on assembling some feedback and will have that to the community soon. In the meantime, I just wanted to give the team a big thanks for being so responsive and coming up with smart, sensible solutions.


On Aug 24, 2015, at 3:13 PM, Galligan, Patrick <PGalligan at rockarch.org<mailto:PGalligan at rockarch.org>> wrote:

Sorry, bad link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3nGDOCrqPJ_dVF0cVFwUXp0Sms/view?usp=sharing

Patrick Galligan

Rockefeller Archive Center

Assistant Digital Archivist


From: archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org> [mailto:archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org] On Behalf Of Galligan, Patrick
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2015 3:12 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] [Archivesspace_member_reps] Resolving Performance Problems in ArchivesSpace

I am seeing the click to load more on certain “linked” fields, like subjects, agents, and related accessions/resources, instances, etc.

However, I AM having trouble sometimes getting them to actually load and display those sections. See video: MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "urldefense.proofpoint.com" claiming to behttps://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3nGDOCrqPJ_dVF0cVFwUXp0Sms<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__drive.google.com_open-3Fid-3D0B3nGDOCrqPJ-5FdVF0cVFwUXp0Sms&d=AwMGaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=JgH2YCQ8D3P9-Lm_x4bv3d2CZBYlbx6hxnLFHtfovi8&m=FBSvo9GQqbhSup-n3UBiEu4q0ZYZvbK8BVJx-GsvpVM&s=k32ey1t3z1-qe9ciUcuQeVQDMgCpzw_uxDqqtdkf3qI&e=>

Also, this definitely fixes issues with everyday editing, but you’re still going to see the slowdown if you have to add or change description in those sections.

Patrick Galligan

Rockefeller Archive Center

Assistant Digital Archivist


From: archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org> [mailto:archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org] On Behalf Of Kevin Clair
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2015 2:36 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] [Archivesspace_member_reps] Resolving Performance Problems in ArchivesSpace


I haven’t tested extensively, but the couple of item records I tried load, if anything, slower than they do in the 1.3.0 release. I noticed though that I wasn’t getting the “Click to load records” button in the subforms where there were more than five links, so I don’t know if I missed a step in installing this or not. I followed the usual upgrading instructions.  -k

From: archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org> [mailto:archivesspace_users_group-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org] On Behalf Of Brad Westbrook
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2015 7:50 AM
To: 'archivesspace_users_group at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspace_users_group at lyralists.lyrasis.org>'
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] [Archivesspace_member_reps] Resolving Performance Problems in ArchivesSpace

Good morning, folks,

It was great to see so many of you at various meetings at SAA and at the first ArchivesSpace members forum.

Now that SAA is over and many of you are back in your offices, I would like to ask you to join Patrick Galligan in testing the “fixes” for the rendering and re-ordering problems described in my message last Thursday afternoon (appearing at the bottom of this message).  We very much need your input.  Do the “fixes” work?  Are they suitable?

If you have questions about how to test these fixes, please send questions to this list.

Meanwhile, thanks in advance for pitching in on this matter.


Brad W.

From: archivesspace_member_reps-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspace_member_reps-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org> [mailto:archivesspace_member_reps-bounces at lyralists.lyrasis.org] On Behalf Of Galligan, Patrick
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 4:50 PM
To: 'Archivesspace Member Reps'; 'archivesspace_users_group at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspace_users_group at lyralists.lyrasis.org>'; 'Archivesspace_member_reps at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:Archivesspace_member_reps at lyralists.lyrasis.org>'
Cc: 'yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu<mailto:yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu>'; 'archivesspace_bot_members at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspace_bot_members at lyralists.lyrasis.org>'; 'archivesspace at googlegroups.com<mailto:archivesspace at googlegroups.com>'
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_member_reps] Resolving Performance Problems in ArchivesSpace

Thanks, Brad.

I look forward to playing around with the UI changes and testing them out when SAA is over.

Sent with Good (MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "urldefense.proofpoint.com" claiming to bewww.good.com<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.good.com&d=AwMGaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=JgH2YCQ8D3P9-Lm_x4bv3d2CZBYlbx6hxnLFHtfovi8&m=FBSvo9GQqbhSup-n3UBiEu4q0ZYZvbK8BVJx-GsvpVM&s=Ziq6TDIGeEHxiUBpa9CHG5pJOl4WQoc21aVEIJmOPDU&e=>)

-----Original Message-----
From: Brad Westbrook [brad.westbrook at lyrasis.org<mailto:brad.westbrook at lyrasis.org>]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 04:33 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: archivesspace_users_group at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspace_users_group at lyralists.lyrasis.org>; Archivesspace_member_reps at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:Archivesspace_member_reps at lyralists.lyrasis.org>
Cc: yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu<mailto:yulaspace at mailman.yale.edu>; archivesspace_bot_members at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspace_bot_members at lyralists.lyrasis.org>; archivesspace at googlegroups.com<mailto:archivesspace at googlegroups.com>
Subject: [Archivesspace_member_reps] Resolving Performance Problems in ArchivesSpace

Dear ArchivesSpace members,

The ArchivesSpace team has been working earnestly to resolve three performance problems reported by users of the application.  They are:

1)      A problem with rendering of large, multi-part records, which is described more fully in Jira AR-1311<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__archivesspace.atlassian.net_browse_AR-2D1311&d=AwMGaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=JgH2YCQ8D3P9-Lm_x4bv3d2CZBYlbx6hxnLFHtfovi8&m=FBSvo9GQqbhSup-n3UBiEu4q0ZYZvbK8BVJx-GsvpVM&s=ck3Lchbq9ucmnTTjPFw1g4XWyRopqqVsTmqHDv1s_yQ&e=>, was reported by Yale University a few weeks ago.

2)      A problem with unintentional re-ordering of components in resource record trees has been reported by The Ohio State University and other members.  The work history for that problem is documented in Jira AR-1183<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__archivesspace.atlassian.net_browse_AR-2D1183&d=AwMGaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=JgH2YCQ8D3P9-Lm_x4bv3d2CZBYlbx6hxnLFHtfovi8&m=FBSvo9GQqbhSup-n3UBiEu4q0ZYZvbK8BVJx-GsvpVM&s=tBlb5Sl5qRNvONbdlZsfXk57kjtVG_gDINDvVBdjaxU&e=>,

Since these two problems potentially affect all implementations of ArchivesSpace, the ArchivesSpace development team has been addressing them outside of the prioritization process the ArchivesSpace community implemented last spring.  The results of their efforts are present in a new version of the ArchivesSpace application that can be downloaded from MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "urldefense.proofpoint.com" claiming to behttps://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/releases<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_archivesspace_archivesspace_releases&d=AwMGaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=JgH2YCQ8D3P9-Lm_x4bv3d2CZBYlbx6hxnLFHtfovi8&m=FBSvo9GQqbhSup-n3UBiEu4q0ZYZvbK8BVJx-GsvpVM&s=oJvIlRpSmj2fOug91N-4xt3bPqjBPrtB8xQND0dVRMM&e=>  (select the zip file for the release labeled “ui-changes-0.0.1”).  Also, a screencast illustrating the solutions to these two problems is available at MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "urldefense.proofpoint.com" claiming to behttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzRF7huQ7tqKaEQ3VTBmYnJIU28/view?usp=sharing<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__drive.google.com_file_d_0BzRF7huQ7tqKaEQ3VTBmYnJIU28_view-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=AwMGaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=JgH2YCQ8D3P9-Lm_x4bv3d2CZBYlbx6hxnLFHtfovi8&m=FBSvo9GQqbhSup-n3UBiEu4q0ZYZvbK8BVJx-GsvpVM&s=Zn9AjCKmoA21ZSiWsLDztZ4vPUkFK37vpk-Oz495ZKo&e=>.  We invite everybody to test these fixes and report their results to the corresponding Jiras indicated above.

3)      A third performance problem area is the ArchivesSpace public interface, which, since the release of version 1.0 in September 2013, many ArchivesSpace members have described as being inadequate to support public service in their repositories.   These inadequacies are being addressed by a team established this past spring and led by LYRASIS’s Angela Spinazzè and Yale University’s Mark Custer.  Progress reports on that work are available on the ArchivesSpace wiki at MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "urldefense.proofpoint.com" claiming to behttps://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ADC/Public+Interface+Enhancement+Project<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__archivesspace.atlassian.net_wiki_display_ADC_Public-2BInterface-2BEnhancement-2BProject&d=AwMGaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=JgH2YCQ8D3P9-Lm_x4bv3d2CZBYlbx6hxnLFHtfovi8&m=FBSvo9GQqbhSup-n3UBiEu4q0ZYZvbK8BVJx-GsvpVM&s=t6zehEREmHZqP9qUVqzoRyr5RU-a3mk6HCKJ3HirYSg&e=>.

Collectively, the surfacing of these problems, and their eventual resolution, represents a new stage in the ongoing maturation and refinement of the ArchivesSpace application. Our overall goal remains to provide an archives information management application that accelerates processing of archival materials, supports effective collection management, and can be used to support discovery and access among the research community.

Thank you to all ArchivesSpace members for your continuing support and involvement.

Brad W.

Bradley D. Westbrook

Program Manager

brad.westbrook at lyrasis.org<mailto:brad at archivesspace.org>

800.999.8558 x2910


bradley_d_westbrook (Skype)


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Archivesspace_Users_Group at lyralists.lyrasis.org<mailto:Archivesspace_Users_Group at lyralists.lyrasis.org>

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