[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Publication Statement in ArchivesSpace

Tewes, Lara ltewes at cshl.edu
Fri Sep 5 09:52:52 EDT 2014

Good morning all,

This is my first post to this group listserv, so I appreciate your patience. I am having an issue with finding the right section and field for our publisher statement.  I am using the <publicationstmt> tag grouping from the LOC EAD guide:

               <publisher>Library and Archives</publisher>
                                             <addressline>Street address </addressline>
                                             <addressline>City, ST ZIP</addressline>
                                             <addressline>Phone: </addressline>
                                             <addressline>Fax: </addressline>
                                             <addressline>Email: </addressline>
                                             <addressline>URL: </addressline>
                              <p>All rights reserved.</p>

After reviewing the available section/field options in ArchivesSpace, it seemed that the Notes section would be the best bet and to use the Note Type of General. However, that section is not recognizing the tag series.

Is this the best publication statement to use with ArchivesSpace?
Is there a different tag series that ArchivesSpace will understand?
Will this tag series work in a different section?

In an attempt to figure the problem out, I checked the EAD Finding aids that had been imported and the publisher section was not in the ArchivesSpace finding aid document.

Any guidance is much appreciated.

Lara Elise
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