[Archivesspace_Users_Group] EAD export issues

Adrienne Pruitt adrienne.pruitt at bc.edu
Mon Jun 23 15:49:03 EDT 2014

Hello, all,

There are a number of issues with exporting valid EAD from ArchivesSpace,
some of them listed on PivotalTracker, and I'm wondering if there's a
timeline for addressing them. We'll be exporting EAD to create PDFs, and we
also use exported EAD as part of our workflow for the batch generation of
archival objects. While we could, theoretically, clean up the exports with
a stylesheet or scripting, it would be preferable if this worked out of the
box. Is there a schedule for this? We had been hoping to go live in the
fall. . .

Thanks very much,

Adrienne Pruitt
Processing Archivist
John J. Burns Library, Boston College
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