[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Happy Holidays and Thanks for a terrific 2014!

Angela Spinazze angela.spinazze at lyrasis.org
Mon Dec 22 16:37:32 EST 2014

ArchivesSpace Community,

As 2014 comes to a close, I would like to thank you for your commitment to and support of ArchivesSpace.

This year has brought with it many changes, including my participation in ArchivesSpace in my new role as Senior Director of Collaborative Programs at LYRASIS<http://www.lyrasis.org>.  Since late summer, I have been working primarily behind the scenes to learn from and support the program staff, provide guidance and leadership, and introduce some new project management practices. As a member of LYRASIS’ management team, I serve on the ArchivesSpace Board. My experience includes more than 20 years of project management: facilitating community design conversations, managing community supported software development, and implementing software to manage collections for a variety of museums and special collections holding organizations around the world.

I would like to share with you a bit about what we’ve been working on and what is in store for the year ahead. Our first priority is to be of service to you.

As most of you already know, the program team has expanded.  As of January 5th, we will be a team of six.

  *   Christine DiBella
  *   Chris Fitzpatrick
  *   Brian Hoffman
  *   Angela Spinazzè
  *   Nathan Stevens
  *   Brad Westbrook

In addition, there are over a dozen LYRASIS colleagues who provide support and service to us and to you each day.

We heard from many of you this year about your needs. Thank you!  You said that you need:

  *   More regular communications
  *   Greater transparency
  *   More structure around software development and releases

Towards that end, we have been working to streamline our processes, eliminate redundant systems, and update our project management tools.  The visible results in 2015 will include:

  *   Greater use of the wiki and email lists for communications (community calendar, development roadmap, council activities, etc.)
  *   A move to Jira for all software development activities (planning, voting, tasks, bugs, etc.)
  *   Greater member engagement (we will be seeking your input on the roadmap and engaging council members to help us refine priorities, in addition to current activities)
  *   And more!

We ask for your patience as we rollout some new approaches and support tools in the new year.

I am proud to lead your program team and to contribute to the continued positive growth of ArchivesSpace with such a dynamic group of colleagues.  And, whilst I have had the opportunity of meeting some of you in 2014, I look forward to meeting many more of you in 2015.

Best wishes for a peaceful holiday,


Please note: LYRASIS offices are closed from December 24th (2:00pm EST) through January 4, 2015.  We’ll be back in the office on Monday, January 5th!

**Apologies for cross-postings**

Angela Spinazzè
Senior Director of Collaborative Programs and CollectionSpace Program Director

email: angela.spinazze at lyrasis.org<mailto:angela.spinazze at lyrasis.org>
voice: +1 800-999-8558 x2922

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