[Archivesspace_uac] Scheduling August UAC meeting

Reller, Suzanne (maggarsm) maggarsm at ucmail.uc.edu
Fri Jul 21 09:40:01 EDT 2023

Hello returning UAC members and welcome new UAC members,

I hope all of you are having a relaxing summer.  Believe it or not, it's already time to schedule our first UAC meeting of the new term.  Please fill out this Doodle poll<https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/aQ7L3KGd> with your availability by the end of day on Monday July 31st.

Please note when filling out the poll:  Ideally, we will hold future monthly meetings at the same time selected for the first meeting. So for example, if our first meeting is Monday August 14 at 1pm ET, then future meetings will be held on the second Monday of the month at 1pm ET.

September Joint TAC/UAC meeting:  You should have already received a Doodle poll from Rachel Searcy for scheduling our joint TAC/UAC meeting in September.  Please let me know if you did not receive it.  The joint meeting will be scheduled at a different time than our normal monthly meeting.

If you are a sub-team lead: please note that workplans for the 2023-2024 will be due in September during our joint meeting with TAC. Please keep this in mind as you plan your initial meeting of the term.  Please note that it does not need to occur before our August UAC meeting.

I am looking forward to working with all of you this term.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.


UAC Chair, 2023-2024

Suzanne Reller (she/her)
Reference/Collections Librarian
Archives and Rare Books Library
University of Cincinnati
P.O. Box 210113
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0113
Phone:  513-556-7016
Email: suzanne.reller at uc.edu<mailto:suzanne.reller at uc.edu>

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