[Archivesspace_uac] TAC/UAC Joint Meeting

Valerie Addonizio vaddonizio at atlas-sys.com
Thu Jan 5 16:15:12 EST 2023

Greetings everyone! This is a meeting invite to the second of two joint UAC/TAC meetings this term. TAC is essentially joining UAC for their February meeting, whereas TAC members did not have a meeting scheduled for February; UAC members should note that this meeting invite replaces their pre-existing meeting and is not in competition with it. UAC members may still see the original meeting on their calendars; feel free to delete it.

We understand that not everyone can attend, but please read the following even if you are unable to attend this meeting:

Agenda: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/3263299585/2023-02-21+TAC+UAC+Joint+Meeting

Reminder: Subteam Leads are asked to fill out the section corresponding to their subteam on the agenda linked above. It may make sense to do this closer-to, and we will issue a reminder. Please note the outline below, which is also present in the agenda above. Please provide:

  *   An update on your sub-team's work this term
  *   Any notable accomplishments/goals reached
  *   Goal(s) for remainder of the term
Please note that time will be tight for this meeting, so we encourage you to be prepared. Reminder also that Dev Pri will be presenting to the group.

If Leads are unable to attend, please nominate someone (including Vice Leads) to speak on behalf of the team. We look forward to seeing you!

-Valerie and Regina

ArchivesSpace is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Meeting ID: 846 0879 2925
Passcode: 038420

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Meeting ID: 846 0879 2925
Passcode: 038420
Find your local number: https://lyrasis.zoom.us/u/kFNNAgN9Z

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