[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Digital Object csv import: multiple file versions

Majewski, Steven Dennis (sdm7g) sdm7g at eservices.virginia.edu
Mon Apr 24 12:11:28 EDT 2017

I don’t believe you can do it with the CSV import.

EAD import will treat multiple <daoloc> within <daogrp> as multiple file versions to one digital object.
( If you already have the resource those digital objects should be bound to in ArchivesSpace, there may be some cases where the easiest(*) thing to do is to export the object to EAD, add the digital objects to the appropriate components with a XSLT stylesheet, delete resource and reimport modified EAD in ArchivesSpace. )

The other alternative is to script something using the backend API.
( We’re testing using the API to connect our digitization tracking system to ArchiveSpace: tracking system keeps a link to ASpace archival_object, attaches an external_id in ASpace pointing back to tracking system item, and creates a digital_object attached to archival_object with URI to IIIF manifest. )

[ (*) “easiest” only if XSLT transforms of EAD is what you are already used to doing. ]

— Steve M.

On Apr 24, 2017, at 7:36 AM, BUTTARS Grant <Grant.Buttars at ed.ac.uk<mailto:Grant.Buttars at ed.ac.uk>> wrote:

I’m currently working on importing digital object metadata and want to include more than one file version per object.  The template only allows for one.

Ideally, I’d also like to include external document links and notes (again none of these are in the template).

Is there any way of achieving any of these?

Many thanks


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