[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Container Management plug-in and 1.5 update question

Joshua D. Shaw Joshua.D.Shaw at dartmouth.edu
Thu Feb 18 15:42:17 EST 2016

Hi Lydia-

The version from HM is 1.4.1+ compatible as of the last commit to the repo 
in case you want to start in with this sooner. Its release 1.1

FYI - Dartmouth uses a somewhat customized version, though we are still 
running against 1.3.0.


On 2/18/16, 2:13 PM, "Tang, Lydia" <ltang5 at mail.lib.msu.edu> wrote:

>I just wanted to check on the timeline for the ArchivesSpace 1.5 version 
>to come out?  I recently came across Yale’s cool container management 
>plug-in, which sounds like it would be really helpful for my situation, 
>since we will be sending the majority of our collections to a remote 
>storage while our space is renovated.
>Container Management on GitHub
>Apparently it’s not compatible with the version of Aspace we’re currently 
>running (1.4) and I read that the plug-in will be incorporated into the 
>main code for the 1.5 update, and just wanted to check on its timeline.  
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